Dr Daniel Farrelly

Daniel Farrelly

Principal Lecturer in Psychology

School of Health and Wellbeing

Department of Psychology and Mental Health

³ÉÈËBÕ¾ Details

email: d.farrelly@worc.ac.uk
tel: 01905 542345

Daniel is a principal lecturer in psychology. He obtained his BSc (hons) in psychology from Liverpool University in 1999, followed by an MSc in evolutionary psychology from Liverpool University in 2000. He gained his PhD in Psychology, studying the evolution of human cooperation, from Newcastle University in 2005. Previously, he has held research positions at Plymouth, Newcastle and Edinburgh Universities, and a lectureship at Sunderland University before joining Worcester as a senior lecturer in 2014. 


BSc (Hons) Psychology, University of Liverpool
MSc Evolutionary Psychology, University of Liverpool
PhD in Psychology, Newcastle University


Daniel teaches on the following modules -

PSYC2545 Evolution and Human Behaviour 

PSYC1450 Introducing Psychology 

PSYC2542 The Individual and the Social World

PSYC2543 Research Skills in Psychology 

PSYC2544 Psychology in the Real World

PSYC3653 Social Cognition and Emotion

PSYC3661 Psychology Research Project

Research Interests

Daniel’s main interests are in the empirical and theoretical application of evolutionary theory to explain human behaviour and psychological processes. This includes areas such as how cooperation has evolved in humans, particularly in response to different social situations and pressures, and how this is applied to real-world issues such as environmentalism, sustainability and travel.

You can read more about Daniel’s research interests and publications here:  

Daniel currently has a PhD opportunity on Pro-environmental behaviour and life history theory. Please click here for more details about this project, and how to apply.

Professional Bodies

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Farrelly, D., Bhogal, M. S., & Badham, L. (2024). The email conservation task: Testing the validity of an online measure of direct pro-environmental behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 99, 102442.

HibbertGreaves, T., & Farrelly, D. (2024). Evidence of mating-motivated altruistic behavior in time spent on a shared online task. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences.

Skilton, A., & Farrelly, D., (2024). Examining the interaction between altruism and resource potential in heterosexual women’s mate preferences. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 18, 95-100.

Pownall, M., Pennington, C. R., Norris, … Farrelly, D., Parker, A.J., & Clark, K. (2023). Evaluating the Pedagogical Effectiveness of Study Preregistration in the Undergraduate Dissertation. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 6, 25152459231202724.

Farmer, S., & Farrelly, D. (2023). Competition increases time spent on an online charitable task. Current Psychology, 42, 9047-9052.

Farrelly, D., Curley, B., & Bhogal, M. S. (2023). Are Everyday Heroic or Altruistic Acts More Desirable in Human Mate Choice? Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 14, 18-21.

Farrelly, D., & Bhogal, M. (2021). The value of pro-environmental behaviour in mate choice. Personality and Individual Differences, 179, 110964.

Owens, R., Driscoll, H., & Farrelly, D. (2020). Variation in Women’s Mate Preferences Over the Development of a Monogamous Relationship Corresponds with Changes in Men’s Life History Strategy. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 6, 399-406.

Bhogal, M. S., Farrelly, D., & Galbraith, N. (2019). The role of prosocial behaviors in mate choice: A critical review of the literature. Current Psychology, 38, 1062-1075.

Farrelly. D., & King, L. (2019). Mutual mate choice drives the desirability of altruism in relationships. Current Psychology, 38, 977-981.

Margana, L., Bhogal, M.S., Bartlett, J.E., & Farrelly, D. (2019). The roles of altruism, heroism, and physical attractiveness in female mate choice. Personality and Individual Differences, 137, 126-130.

Bhogal, M. S., Bartlett, J. E., & Farrelly, D. (2019). The influence of mate choice motivation on non-financial altruism. Current Psychology, 38, 959-964.

Ehlebracht, D., Stavrova, O., Fetchenhauer, D., & Farrelly, D. (2018). The synergistic effect of prosociality and physical attractiveness on mate desirability. British Journal of Psychology, 109, 517-537.

Farrelly, D., & Bennett, M. (2018). Empathy leads to increased online charitable behaviour when time is the currency. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 28, 42-46.

Walklet, E., Davis, S., Farrelly, D., & Muse, K. (2016). The impact of Student Response Systems on the learning experience of undergraduate psychology students. Psychology Teaching Review, 22, 35-48.

Felisberti, F.M., & Farrelly, D. (2016). Investigating behaviour and face encoding in a hypothetical real-world social contract: Hand-washing in hazardous health settings. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 2, 207-213.

Farrelly, D., Clemson, P., & Guthrie, M. (2016). Are women’s mate preferences for altruism also influenced by physical attractiveness? Evolutionary Psychology, 14, 1-6.

Farrelly, D., Owens, B., Elliott, H.R., Walden, H.R., & Wetherell, M. (2015). The effects of being in a 'new relationship' on levels of testosterone in males. Evolutionary Psychology, 13, 250-261.

Farrelly, D., Moan, E., White, K., & Young, S. (2015). Evidence of an alternative currency for altruism in laboratory-based experiments. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 11, 100-111.

Farrelly, D., Slater, R., Elliott, H.R., Walden, H.R., & Wetherell, M.A. (2013). Competitors who choose to be red have higher testosterone levels. Psychological Science, 24, 2122-2124.

Farrelly, D. (2013). Altruism as an indicator of good parenting quality in long term relationships: Further investigations using the Mate Preferences towards Altruistic Traits scale. The Journal of Social Psychology, 153, 395-398.

Farrelly, D. (2011). Cooperation as a signal of genetic or phenotypic quality in female mate choice? Evidence from preferences across the menstrual cycle. British Journal of Psychology, 102, 406-430.

Farrelly, D., & Turnbull, N. (2008). The role of reasoning domain on face recognition: Detecting violations of social contract and hazard management rules. Evolutionary Psychology, 6, 523-537.

Farrelly, D., & Nettle, D. (2007). Marriage affects competitive performance in male tennis players. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 5, 41-48.

Farrelly, D., & Austin, E.J. (2007). Ability EI as an intelligence? Associations of the MSCEIT with performance on emotion-processing and social tasks and with cognitive ability. Cognition and Emotion, 21, 1043-1063.

Farrelly, D., Lazarus, J., & Roberts, G. (2007). Altruists attract. Evolutionary Psychology, 5, 313-329.

Austin, E.J., Farrelly, D., Black, C., & Moore, H. (2007). Emotional intelligence, Machiavellianism and emotional manipulation: does EI have a dark side? Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 179-189.

Newstead, S. E., Handley, S. J., Harley, C., Wright, H., & Farrelly, D. (2004). Individual differences in deductive reasoning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 57A, 33-60.

Publications (other)

Bhogal, M. S., & Farrelly, D. (2019). The psychology of prosocial behavior: An introduction to a special issue. Current Psychology, 38, 910-911.

Farrelly, D. (2017). The type of behavior and the role of relationship length in mate choice for prosociality among physically attractive individuals. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40. doi:10.1017/S0140525X16000480.

Farrelly, D. (2019). Social Contract Rule Violation. In T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer.

Farrelly, D. (2019). Indirect Benefits of Altruism. In T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer.

Farrelly, D. (2019). Altruism Defined By Benefits Conferred. In T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer.

Farrelly, D., & Brewer, G., (2019). Brief entries to ‘Sexual Signalling’ Chapter. In T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer.

Farrelly, D., & Snelling, P. (2017). Psychological Concepts for Nursing. In D. Sellman & P. Snelling (Eds.), Becoming a Nurse: Fundamentals of Professional Practice for Nursing (2nd ed., pp. 276–300). London: Routledge.

Farrelly, D., & Driscoll, H. (2013). Genes, environment and evolution. In R. Comer, E. Gould, & A. Furnham (Eds.), P²õ²â³¦³ó´Ç±ô´Ç²µ²â. Wiley.


External Roles

  • PhD external examiner (University of South Wales, University of Wolverhampton, University of East Anglia)
  • External Examiner; MSc Psychology UCLAN (2015-2019), BSc Psychology Liverpool John Moores University (2019-2023)
  • Grant reviewer for the Economics and Social Research Council
  • Member of the Advisory Group for Herefordshire County Council’s Climate Citizen’s Assembly.
  • Consultancy sessions in the area of Emotional Intelligence for different organisations, Including Nissan UK, NHS, and the Tyne Gateway charity