Eya Meddeb
PhD Student
Worcester Business School
Research Degree Students
email: mede1_20@uni.worc.ac.uk
Eya is a full-time PhD student in the Computing Department of the Worcester Business School.
Eya’s main research interests are in Causal Inference, Machine/deep learning, Arti铿乧ial intelligence, Data mining, Systems modelling, System Dynamics, Employee turnover, and Human Resources Management.
Her PhD research concerns examining the practicalities of combining machine learning and causal inference, specifically the logic of system dynamics by Dr John Sterman to turnover prediction, identifying the key indicators/variables and testing the outcome of different scenarios to improve decision making.
Her supervisors are Dr Chris Bowers and Dr Lynn Nichol.
BSc Electrical engineering ,2016, National engineering school of Tunis, Tunisia
MSc Economics and management, Specialisation: Innovation management, 2019, National engineering school of Tunis, Tunisia.