Joanne Rouse


Strategic Director of Practice Education and Interprofessional Learning in the Health Professions

College Directors

³ÉÈËBÕ¾ Details

tel: 01905 54 2271

Registered Nurse- Adult (PIN: 87A2868E)
Registered Nurse- Children
MSc Health and Care
Registered Nurse Teacher


Teaching & Research


  • Assessment of sick children and young people
  • Observed structured clinical examinations
  • Safeguarding vulnerable children and young people
  • Reflective practice


  • Recruitment, admissions and selection for pre-registration nurse education
  • Observed structured clinical examinations
  • Clinical supervision


Professional Experience

Nursing and Midwifery Council

Royal College of Nursing

Higher Education Academy


Scurlock-Evans, L, Upton, P, Rouse, J, Upton, D (2017) To embed or not to embed? A longitudinal study exploring the impact of curriculum design on the evidence-based practice profiles of YUK pre-registration nursing students. Published online July 26, 2017.

Pinfield, J, Gaskin, K, Bentley, J, Rouse, J (2015) Recognition and management of asthma in children and young people. Nursing Standard 30(3): 50-60.

Upton, P, Scurlock-Evans, L, Williamson, K, Rouse, J, Upton, D (2014) The evidence-based practice profiles of academic and clinical staff involved in pre-registration nursing students' education: A cross sectional survey of US and UK staff. Nurse Education Today. Published online June 27, 2014.

Rouse, J, and Torney, L (2014) Service user and carer involvement in pre-registration student selection. Nursing Standard. 13, 28, 37-44.

Bentley, J, Rouse, J, and Pinfield, J (2014) Measles: pathology, management, and public health issues. Nursing Standard. 28, 38, 51-58.

Bentley, J, Pinfield, J and Rouse, J (2013) Whooping Cough: identification, assessment, and management. Nursing Standard. 28, 11, 50-57.

Rouse J (2012). Nursing Specifics edited by Snow, S, ‘Becoming’ a successful student nurse or midwife in getting a place on a Nursing or Midwifery Course, A practical Guide 24-29 Pierson.

Pinfield J, Pengelly T, Rouse J, Passant M (2011) Promoting careers in neonatal nursing Nursing Standard 25, 23, 35-40.

Rouse J (2010) An evaluation of observed structural clinical examinations. Paediatric Nursing.  Vol 22/7.

Rouse J (2007) How does clinical supervision impact on staff development? Journal of Children’s and Young People’s Nursing 1 (7): 334–340.Rouse J (2007) How does clinical supervision impact on staff development? Part 2. Journal of Children’s and Young People’s Nursing 1 (8): 386–392.

External Responsibilities

  • Mott MacDonald Nursing and Midwifery Council reviewer
  • External Examiner - Post Graduate Certificate Childrens Nursing (City University- London)