Practice Education for Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists
Welcome to the Practice Education Pages for Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. It includes guidance documents and training opportunities for practitioners supporting our Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy students during their placement.
Courses follow the same pathway and therefore all information is relevant to both professions, unless specifically stated. This page provides an overview of the information you need to support students on practice placements and is separated into five sections:
Placement Dates
Here at the ³ÉÈËBÕ¾, our BSc students follow a part-time placement programme in years 1 & 2. This enables a greater integration of theory and practice at the start of their course, whilst also providing opportunities for part time staff to become Practice Educators. It also enables a higher level of support for both student and Practice Educator. Students experience more hours each year until third year, when they undertake 2 x full-time placements. Pre-registration MSc students follow a full-time placement programme.
BSc placements are aligned to facilitate peer support and we would encourage you to consider offering a third year and first (or second year) together to maximise your time and reap the rewards of peer learning. For continuity, our MSc placements have been designed to “fill the gaps” providing a near-continuous flow of students throughout the year. This supports services whose design is inclusive of student placement provision.
We are happy to consider offers on a placement-by-placement basis, or for a period of time which enables us to allocate students more efficiently.
Placement Dates Academic Year 2023/24
1st Year (BSc)
Academic Year 2023-24
1st Year BSc OT Placement 1 (full-time)
15th January to 23rd February 2024
- 6 weeks
- 34 hours per week/204 hours total
1st Year BSc Physiotherapy Placement 1 (full-time)
20th May to 28th June 2024
- 6 weeks
- 34 hours per week/204 hours total
2nd Year (BSc)
Academic Year 2023 -24
2nd Year BSc (OT/PT) Placement 2 (full-time)
2nd October to 6th December 2023
10 weeks
- 19 hours per week/190 hours total
2nd Year BSc (OT/PT) Placement 3 (full-time)
15th January to 20th March 2024
- 10 weeks
- 19 hours per week/190 hours total
3rd Year (BSc)
Academic Year 2023-24
3rd Year BSc Placement 4 (full-time)
18th September to 10th November 2023
- 8 weeks
- 34 hours per week/272 hours total
3rd Year BSc Placement 5 (full-time)
15th January to 8th March 2024
- 8 weeks
- 34 hours per week/272 hours total
1st Year (MSc)
Academic Year 2023-24
1st Year MSc (OT/PT) Placement 1 (full-time)
22nd April to 14th June 2024
- 8 weeks
- 34 hours per week/272 hours total
1st Year MSc (OT/PT) Placement 2 (full-time)
24th June to 16th August 2024
- 8 weeks
- 34 hours per week/272 hours total
2nd Year (MSc)
Academic Year 2023-24
2nd Year MSc (OT/PT) Placement 3 (full-time)
13th November to 22nd December 2023
- 6 weeks
- 34 hours per week/204 hours total
2nd Year MSc (OT/PT) Placement 4 (full-time)
24th June to 16th August 2024
- 8 weeks
- 34 hours per week/272 hours total
Placement calendars
We may require additional placements outside of these dates to accommodate students who are unable to complete their originally allocated placements. We will contact placement providers via email to obtain placement offers.
For further information please contact stating whether you are offering to Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists or both.
Practice Educator Training
'First Time Practice Educator Training' is applicable if you have not previously undertaken training as a Practice Educator, or if you have not acted as a Practice Educator for students in the last five years. This is a one day session, and is available in person (at the University) or online.
'Practice Educator Update Training' sessions are also available online and in person, throughout the year. We ask that you attend an update session every 2 years.
If you HAVE attended Practice Educator training at another University, we are happy to accept this but would kindly request that you book on an update training session, as soon as you are able, to ensure that you are clear about our assessment process/documentation etc.
We are very happy to discuss your individual needs or to explore options for providing training for a team, as appropriate – please contact to discuss.
First time practice educators training
We are delighted to invite you to the ³ÉÈËBÕ¾ to develop your skills as a Practice Educator amongst colleagues from different Trusts and Organisations.
In line with teaching methods employed with our students, we do require you to undertake a small amount of pre-reading before you attend the course. This enables our sessions to be more interactive and limits time spent in didactic teaching. The pre-reading & course preparation should not take you more than 30 minutes to complete but we do ask that you ensure that you have done this before attending.
We do not routinely provided printed course materials, however you are welcome to print your own *available shortly to use during your training session if you prefer.
Our 1-day training introduces any Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist, who has never had a student before or not had a student for some time, to becoming a Practice Educator. There is no minimum length of time since registration required to undertake this training.
Sessions include an overview of the Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy courses at ³ÉÈËBÕ¾ and the placement process.
Learning Outcomes include:
- Describe the role and critically evaluate the attributes of an effective practice educator.
- Critically apply learning theories that are appropriate for adult and professional learners.
- Plan effective strategies to implement and facilitate learning in the practice placement setting.
- Apply sound principles and judgement in the assessment of performance in the practice placement setting.
- Critically reflect on and evaluate the quality of practice education learning.
- Critically reflect on experience and formulate action plans to improve future practice.
- Wednesday 8th January, 9:30-12:30 (online)
- Tuesday 6th March, 9:30-16:00 (in-person)
- Monday 17th March, 9:30-16:30 (online)
- Tuesday 16th June, 9:30-16:30 (online)
Booking information
Please note that whilst we do not charge for training, we do expect delegates to take a student as soon as practicable after their training. Please consider this before booking and ensure that you have this conversation with your manager before attending. If you anticipate particular difficulty with this, please contact the team on for an informal discussion.
All training takes place between 9.30 - 16.30. Please and download .
Practice educator update training
In line with the Royal College of Occupational Therapists and Chartered Society of Physiotherapy legislation, Practice Educators are required to attend update training regularly. The ³ÉÈËBÕ¾ recommends that training is attended every two years and may not be able to place students with Practice Educators who have not completed this training.
Whilst you only need to update every other year, you are welcome to book on one of these per year to maintain and develop your skills.
Our update sessions are available online and in-person, and we have various dates throughout the year.
Sessions are interactive, with a focus on participant-led format, to enable educators to discuss and problem-solve based on their practice placement experiences.
All updates will include:
- Overview/update of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Courses at ³ÉÈËBÕ¾
- Placement process
- Placement assessment and documentation
- Managing challenges in practice
- Supporting Inclusive Learning
- Supporting alternative placement models
- Tuesday 7th January, 9:30-12:30, (online)
- Wednesday 22nd January, 9:30-12:30, (online)
- Thursday 27th February, 9:30-12:30, (online)
- Monday 31st March, 9:30-12:30, (online)
- Friday 20th June, 9:30-12:30, (online)
All training takes place between 9.30 - 12.30. To see the available dates, please and download .
Individual Training Requirements
We are happy to provide update training, which can be arranged within your workplace for 10 or more colleagues. If this is not possible within your workplace, we are delighted to invite you to the ³ÉÈËBÕ¾.
(Please note, any first-time educators would need to complete the “First Time Practice Educator Training” before first supporting students).
Please contact the Therapy Placement Team to discuss this further, and we would be happy to make plans with you. Email
Feedback from participants
First time practice educator training
“Really good training! Very informative, interesting and useful course. Lots of interactive exercises, visual information and sense of humour really worked – will take a lot away with me. Thank you!!”
Participants also appreciated the opportunity to ask questions and talk through anxieties they have about taking a student. They also stated that the course was interactive, clearly explained and easy to understand.
Worcester Way training
“Built upon previous learning and enabled me to meet Worcester way standards when educating students from this area”
Participants also felt that the course covered all aspects of a student placement in a well organized, holistic way. They also felt that the information was clear and the pathway easy to follow so that having a student is “not too complicated!”
Practice educator update training
“A chance to discuss education & different styles of learning with other clinicians in the field”
Participants also felt that update courses were valuable and enjoyable. They stated that the courses overed a lot of ground in short time, and answered a number of queries.
About the Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy courses
BSc (Hons)
We believe that the method in which teaching and learning is delivered is an important part of the student experience. Therefore, we think it is important to create the right learning environments that provide our students with the opportunities to explore, question and develop within a supportive environment. Throughout the Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy courses, students are gently guided with a constructivist approach to learning, teaching and assessment (Biggs 2002; Murphy 1997). This approach moves away from the understanding that ‘experts’ pass on knowledge. Instead we aim to create rich learning experiences where students are able to utilise active thinking and problem-solving skills to construct their own understanding about each profession.
Students will be taught in a wide range of teaching environments. They are encouraged to interact with peers, staff, clinicians and service users and carers, and are provided with a range of opportunities outside of the university to prepare them for practice. The learning experiences provided, utilise rich authentic problem-solving situations inside and outside the academic environment; with opportunities for student-centred learning and choice; and provide students with ongoing feedback to promote learning from experience (Wilson and Cole 1991). The teaching focuses on co-construction, facilitating learning by listening to students, providing guidance, resource provision, and coaching (Murphy 1997).
The constructivist approach we use for occupational therapy and physiotherapy education actively encourages our students to explore worldviews, assumptions and beliefs. This enables our students to develop the reflexivity and self-insight they need as healthcare practitioners. By working with students to explore their role as a healthcare practitioner, new understandings are brought about, misunderstandings clarified, and practice transformed (Hooper 2007). Transformative learning (Cranton 2006; Mezirow 2000) is a key aspect to this process, learning from individual experience, critical reflection, on-going dialogue, awareness of context and development of authentic relationships. Regular interaction with academic staff, clinicians, service users and carers provides students with the opportunity to experience transformative learning and critical thinking as they progress throughout your education.
MSc (Pre-reg)
The MSc Occupational Therapy (Pre-registration) and MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-registration) courses aim to provide an accelerated route of entry to the professions for learners who have successfully achieved an undergraduate degree. The courses have been designed to meet local and national workforce demands for effective allied health professionals, with the capacity and vision to contribute to integrated care systems and the aspiration to become leaders and managers of the future.
The courses have been developed and run in parallel with one another, valuing and integrating collaborative working, and evidence-based person-centred practice. Inter-disciplinary learning will ensure that graduates are effective team workers, with leadership and organisational management skills to deliver and design services, relevant to the health and social care practice. As well as learning with students from other disciplines, service user and carer colleagues from the university’s Impact group contribute to learning. Members of this group are involved in all aspects of University life including recruitment, teaching, learning, assessment and research.
The courses combine theoretical and practice learning across two years of study, ensuring that students achieve the HCPC (2013) Standards of Proficiency for their chosen profession and eligibility to apply for full membership of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) or Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP). A distinctive feature of the programme is the opportunity to become forward thinking, reflective practitioners, through applied theoretical and practice-based learning. The teaching philosophy ensures that students develop professional knowledge, skills and confidence as they progress on the course. The curriculum aims to foster students’ individual strengths and attributes relating them to their own developing professional competence and leadership, encouraging a reasoned, evaluative and evidence-based person-centred approach, encompassing reflection and independence in learning, and the ability to work effectively with others. The courses aim to build on learners’ under-graduate experience and attributes, through Level 7 study, to develop a critical and analytical awareness of their chosen profession, and to ensure that our graduates can practice, develop and lead in the changing and contemporary contexts within which future professionals must be able to work.
Further information about learning theory is provided during First Time Practice Educator training and Update 2: Facilitating Adult Learning.
Module details can be located on the course pages for Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.
Curriculum of learning
Our course teaching philosophy is based on a curriculum of learning and aims to develop students of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy in their knowledge, skills and confidence as they progress on the course. As students progress they will experience successive levels of complexity, building on previous knowledge to increase capability and proficiency (Harden 1997).
BSc (Hons)
Year 1 - Learning to be a professional (observing and thinking)
Introducing a critical approach
Underpinning knowledge and clinical skills
Introduction to clinical/professional reasoning
Becoming self-aware and having awareness of others
Developing self-leadership skills
Understanding how and why to reflect
Understanding sustainable health and social care
Year 2 - The developing process (practising and modifying)
Developing criticality
Application of knowledge and clinical skills
Developing professional/clinical reasoning
Collaborating with others
Applying and developing skills of reflective practice
Using sustainable approaches in health and social care
Using leadership to enhance practice
Year 3 - Becoming an autonomous practitioner (innovating and thinking differently)
Applying and using critical skills
Engaging with complexity and diversity in clinical practice
Refining professional/clinical reasoning skills to become an effective professional
Developing and applying leadership skills
Becoming a reflective practitioner
Integrating sustainability into everyday health and social care practice
MSc (Pre-registration)
1st Year – developing knowledge, skills and professional reasoning
- Underpinning principles, knowledge, skills, behaviour and values of a professional
- Developing a critical and evidence-based approach to person-centred care
- Focus on self-management and awareness
2nd Year – progressing knowledge, skills and professional reasoning
- Critically evaluating and synthesising evidence
- Using complex professional reasoning skills to make decisions
- Promote leadership, service evaluation and development with an introduction to commissioning and the business context of contemporary health and care services
Students are assessed on placement via their Practice Learning Document (PLD). From September 2021, this will be completed electronically via the “PebblePad” platform. It is therefore essential that the Practice Educator’s email address is supplied accurately so that you can be given access to the document by your student. will show you how to access the platform and PLD and you may wish to download this guide for reference. You are also welcome to download the relevant PDF versions for reference only – please be aware that these look slightly different to the online versions, but contain all the same information. A copy of the Sample PLD for training is available as a PDF.
The Practice Educator Handbook contains all of the information you may need regarding the course structure, placement structure, placement requirements and processes along with guidance on working collaboratively with your student. The majority of queries are addressed in this document which should be used to provide you with rapid support and guidance when placement staff are unavailable.
Please be aware that until summer 2026, some students will be following the previous (2018) course pathway and placement dates and module codes will be significantly different. From September 2023, some students will be following the current course pathway, for which module codes and placement dates will be different to the previous cohorts of students.
Please retain or request a copy of the Practice Educator Practice Learning Handbook for your reference:
Placement Support
Support is available during placements to both educators and students alike. Educators should refer to the Practice Educator Handbook and students to the student handbook for guidance on process. Students have access to staff with a number of different roles who can support them with their placement learning.
Placement Lead: Responsible for overall co-ordination of all placements and associated quality processes
Module Lead: Responsible for overall co-ordination of the placement module and assessment process. A member of the Placement Team who works directly with the Placement Lead
Personal Academic Tutor: responsible for academic and pastoral support for individual students across the duration of their course
Zoned Academic: responsible for providing provide student centred educational support and providing Practice Educator with on-going support for struggling students, including at final summative interview with the Practice Educator if appropriate (i.e. if student is failing). ZAs will attempt to visit once during the placement and may visit more frequently as required.
Placement Support Team: responsible for allocating students to individual placements, maintaining and monitoring information available to students and ensuring all quality processes are met.
Please contact your Zoned Academic with all queries in the first instance. Enquiries can be directed through the Placement Team at if you do not know who your ZA is.
Resources and Links
This folder Contains useful resources and links. More resources will be added frequently.